Guide to the Important Tool Room Machines used for Milling Applications
In a nutshell, tool room can be defined as machinery room. But in a broad sense, it used for the machineries from the basic mechanical to the most advanced electronic and hydraulic machineries used in various industries for metal working and wood working. Tool room machines are used for shaping, milling, slotting and grinding function […]
How is Horizontal Bandsaw Machine different from a Vertical Bandsaw Machine?
Bandsaw Machine A band saw machine is a power tool with a blade that has teeth on one edge to cut various materials. It is designed to cut curves, circles and irregular shapes on pieces of wood or metal although it can also cut straight lines. The band in the machine rides on two wheels […]
Information on Different Types of Press Brakes [INFOGRAPH]
A Press brake is an essential machine tool expended for sheet bending and cutting metals in different shapes. Get detailed information about the types of press brake including hydraulic press brakes, CNC press brake, and CNC electro hydraulic synchronous press. This infograph illustrates all the major types of press brakes to simplify the need of […]
Guiding Principles Important for Every Press Brake Operator to Ensure Safety during the Work
Press Brakes and Their Applications Press brake refers to machine which are mainly used for blending plate materials as well as sheet metal into various different shapes depending of the type of die set that is used. These are versatile equipments that are often used industries involving metals for several metal forming operations such as […]
Advantages of Hydraulic Shearing Machine over the Regular Mechanical Models
A shearing machine is an industrial equipment with rotary disks and blades used to cut hard iron sheets and metal bars. The term shearing means to apply a high pressure tool on a metal bar once to remove a part of the metal. All metal shears use the same technique in cutting where there is […]