Rising Demand of Lathe Machines in Gulf Countries

  March 4, 2019
Yash Shah

A Lathe machine spins an item on an axis and at the same time performs all necessary operations. These operations range from cutting to drilling and other actions like sanding, knurling, facing, wood turning, deformation, etc. This tool is essential in the manufacturing industry since it has a wide range of applications.

There are mainly two types of lathe machines; vertical & horizontal. There are other as well, however the type of lathe-machine to use depends on the application as well. For example, a different type of machine is useful for automotive, general manufacturing and transportation.

The demand & trend for Lathe Machines in the Gulf

There is a growing demand for Lathe machines in several from countries in the MENA Region (Middle East & North Africa). Several lathe machine manufacturers from all around the world take advantage of this high demand for machine tools in the gulf countries.

The gulf countries have a several industries that make use of lathe-machine tools. For example, in United Arab Emirates, the Oil & Gas Industry is massive. This industry drives the demand for machine tools in UAE. However, since there are no local manufacturing companies, UAE depends exclusively on import for lathe machine tools. Firms in UAE do care a great deal for the cost of the machine; however, they stress on quality good quality productive machines. The major imports are of popular brands worldwide from countries like Germany, USA, Italy, China, Japan, etc.

The Oil & gas field industry have a large requirement for metal cutting machines. It is necessary for the purpose of drilling bits, drilling rigs, several types of pumps, value components tubular pipes, etc. Many types of machine tools are used in this industry like horizontal machine centres, CNC turning centres, also 3 axis machines, 5 axis machines, etc.

WM Series Heavy Duty Lathe Machine

Fact and Stats of Lathe machine market

Gulf countries are a lucrative market for lathe machines. This is mainly due the high demand for them in several industries including Oil & Gas industry.

Here are factors driving the lathe market:

  • UAE is the seventh largest producer of Oil word wide and hence has many oil fields.
  • Hydrocarbon production is vital for UAE’s economy and amounts to more than $65 billion a year.
  • UAE produces 3.7 billion barrels of oil per day.
  • UAE has large natural gas reserves and hence demand for lathe machines is expected to rise further. It has over 6 trillion cubic meters of natural gas reserve.
  • Machine tool market in UAE for the year 2010 was 50 Million USD, in 2011 was 70 Million USD. It was 128 Million USD in the year 2012. In the year 2013 it was 152 Million USD and 181 Million USD in 2014.  The market was at 198 Million USD in the year 2015; This is expected to grow to 397 Million USD by 2020 which shows the rising demand in Gulf countries

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How much oil does Dubai produce in a day?

Dubai produces 3.94 billion barrels of oil a day; thus, the oil industry has a large requirement for lathe machines.

  • How much oil does UAE export?

UAE exports 96% of its Oil, which contributes to its economy as well. This has driven the demand for lathe machines as well.

  • What is working principle of a lathe machine?

The way a lathe machine works, is it holds a workpiece between a rigid support. This is also referred to as a face plate. Here the cutting tool is also held in a strong manner and is supported in a tool post. This is fed against the revolving work and the cutting operations can either be fed parallel or at a right angle to axis of the work.